Star Trek Ship Replica | Bajoran Freighter
This Bajoran Freighter is an Antares-class carrier, a type of antiquated transport used throughout the 24th century by the Bajorans, during and following the occupation of Bajor. Some of these vessels were limited to half impulse and possessed no visual communication capabilities. In 2368, an Antares-class carrier was used to mislead Cardassian forces into attacking what they believed was a group of Bajoran terrorists. The empty ship was escorted by the USS Enterprise-D, but would be destroyed by two Type-3 Galor-class warships, providing evidence that Starfleet Admiral Kennelly had been collaborating with the Cardassians. (TNG: "Ensign Ro"). The Bajorans frequently used Antares-class carriers to make routine stops at Deep Space 9. They carried Bajoran civilians, government officials, etc.